Hi Ian,

Summary: For me wood is physical tree-cover and wetland is the condition of the ground and they are complimentary rather than exclusive.

In Sweden, I map both natural=wood and natural=wetland as separate polygons, with a common border or overlap as appropriate. There is is very easy from aerial imagery as the trees show distinctive colour and texture, spot checked in more easily accessible locations from field observation of the ground below (a very important thing to do IMHO). Here is a random example: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/59.5708/18.3099

In Australia, I am interested indirectly through work in refining the Murray River as it flows north of Rutherglen (VIC). I have found that much harder so haven't yet started any systematic tree/wetland mapping, instead focusing on the fascinating network of ox box lakes and channels. That's partly because of the much greater cyclicity in wetness that you allude to making wetland harder to spot and demarcate on aerial imagery. And partly that I don't have a local field eye, (I am a city-slicker based in Melbourne when in Australia). I am therefore tempted to focus on wood mapping from the arm chair and leave the wetland mapping as a more long term issue needing a reasonable degree of local observation/knowledge.

Hope that helps, these are just my personal thoughts and I look forward to hearing from others.


On 2020-05-12 09:37, Little Maps wrote:
Hello everyone, I don’t know if there is any right / wrong answer to this question, hence I’m keen to know your preferences...

I’m mapping wetlands and vegetation along the Murray River upstream of Yarrawonga, and am now mapping in Millewa forest. Millewa (in NSW) and Barmah forest (in Vic) support large red gum forests which flood regularly. Some areas flood annually, others less frequently. It depends on how much water flows down the Murray and which stream regulators in the forests are opened or closed.

My question is: would it be better to map this as a forest (i.e. natural=wood) or as a ‘swamp’, which OSM defines as ‘an area of waterlogged forest, with dense vegetation’, tagged as natural=wetland, wetland=swamp, seasonal=yes. I’ve read the OSM wiki pages on both options.

I’ve made a first stab at the area
and have mapped all but the extremes as swamp as this indicates that the area floods regularly, which natural:wood does not show. However most other areas on the river I’ve come across are mapped as natural:wood with relatively small inliers for treeless wetlands and some treed swamps.

It’s a quick job to change from wetland:swamp to natural:wood and vice versa and I don’t hold any strong preferences myself. If the general consensus is that the area would be better called a wood (i.e. forest) rather than a seasonal wetland I’ll change it immediately. (I haven’t mapped Barmah forest in Vic, as that was already mapped as natural:wood but much of Barmah actually floods even more frequently than Millewa).

Thanks very much for your advice. Best wishes Ian

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