Hi folks, apologies for repeated queries... I asked a couple of weeks
ago about the preferred tags for mapping production forests (i.e.
landuse=forest), in preparation for mapping tree cover across SW
Victoria. Thinking about this more, it makes more sense to first map
all State Forests in the region (hardly any are mapped to date), and
then perhaps later move onto other bushland and plantations.
State Forests are not included in the VicMap Lite (Public Land ) Parks
and Reserve map layer in JOSM.The State Forests dataset is available
form Vic Gov at
This has a CC Attribution 4.0 International licence. Two questions:

(1) My understanding of OSM agreement with the Vic Gov copyright is
that this info is available for use in OSM. Is this correct?
If so, I can trace the data to add it to OSM, yes? (I don’t have the
knowledge to do an automated import, even if that was allowed).
(2) I think I should be able to view the State Forests data layer as a
background image in JOSM. Is this correct? These are the instructions
I’ve found:https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Preferences/Imagery
(3) If so, can someone tell me how to re-format the WMS URL for the
State Forests layer so I can view it in JOSM? This is the URL that is
displayed when I click on the WMS URL button on the Vic Gov page
I’m happy to plug away on this project for many weeks so I assure you
that any help will be worthwhile. Thanks in anticipation (once again).
Best wishes Ian
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