On Thu, 9 Jul 2020 at 14:52, Greg Dutkowski <greg.dutkow...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Bicycle Network Tasmania are trying to improve the quality of cycling
> infrastructure information in OSM.
> Much has been done by volunteers in various jurisdictions, and we have
> done lots locally, but the tagging is quite complex for cycle paths and not
> always correct.

Hi and nice to see you're getting involved with mapping cycle
infrastructure in Tassie.

> The Hobart councils we work with are concerned with the quality of the
> data in OSM and the ability of anyone to change it.

I would try to reframe that. The fact that anyone can update OSM means that
the dataset can be more accurate and current. Same with quality of the
data, because you have a whole range of contributors and downstream data
users there's more eyes looking at it and using it and so more opportunity
to spot issues.

City of Sydney and Transport for NSW have been rolling out popup covid
cycleways and there's multiple OSM community members + TfNSW staff going in
mapping these throughout their construction lifecycle.

Does anyone know of any examples we could learn from of local government
> itself working to keep OSM data up to date?

I'm not sure of local government but Transport for NSW
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TfNSW make edits in OSM.
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