On 19/11/20 7:47 pm, Andrew Davidson wrote:
On 17/11/20 8:24 am, cleary wrote:
I agree with Andrew Harvey's comments. Thanks to Aleksandar for raising this issue which has also vexed me.

I've also been troubled for many years by the practice of giving every ramp a name. But I'd been letting it go because I thought everyone else was OK with that.

There is a tendency for mappers to add description to the name tag... for example building=house with name=house... tired of it. In one case I contacted the mapper concerned leisure=pitch. sport=cricket and name=Cricket Pitch ... they claimed that was its 'name'. Did not purse it further. I am now inclined to just change them to description=* rather than bother (of course where this is obvious)' if repetitive then I'll try contacting the mapper.

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