Task Manager (ctrl-alt-del and select) will show process/ram hogs. sort by cpu usage then memory, grab the process name and search on it...

4GB may be a little light too.. If your hard drive flogs (swaps) a lot that may be worth a look.


On 28/7/21 3:22 pm, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Tue, 27 Jul 2021 at 16:57, Adam Horan <aho...@gmail.com <mailto:aho...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I've hit quota blocks so many times in the last few days trying to
    get these queries working at all

Another question, possibly re this?, for you & anybody else who may be working Roulette.

These last few days, while I've been working on Roulette problems, my laptop (Win 8.1, Firefox 90.0.2, 4GB Ram) has been absolutely chewing CPU & Memory. ATM with only Roulette & GMail open, it's sitting on 40% CPU & 90+% Memory usage :-(, while actually editing OSM is painfully slow.

I've cleared the cache, restarted, run a MalwareBytes scan & all normal troubleshooting but no go.

 Anybody else had similar issues, or any suggestions?



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