Hey folks.
I'm just getting started contributing to OpenStreetMap, adding address 
information for my local area. I've just started working in an area with heavy 
residential subdivision; blocks being split with several freestanding 
dwellings. There's a fairly pathological example at 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/-33.28505/149.08483 , but there's a lot 
of smaller subdivisions around it.

The wiki at 
 suggests adding a perimeter and addr tags to it. And a little further digging 
around I found 
 , which suggests `landuse=residential` is appropriate for this sort of use. So 
I created an area around the property boundary based on the NSW DCS Base Map, 
added `landuse=residential`, then appropriate `addr:housenumber` and 
`addr:street` tags.

JOSM renders this how I'd expect, with an outline around the area and the 
housenumber displayed in the middle of the area. But the map tiles I see on 
opnstreeetmap.org only show the outline of the area, and do not display a 

Is this the right approach for doing this? Am I just missing something stupid 
to get this to work, or should I drop this plan and just stick to numbering the 
building closest to the street?

Thanks for any advice,
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