Thanks folks,


OK – It would be good to clarify that as the vast majority of the ‘bushwalking’ 
track network in Tasmania is path but I am also seeing strange footway out the 
middle of nowhere (ie Eastern Arthurs, Hartz Mountains). I did suspect that 
footway is being used more where there is infrastructure but that will also be 
an issue as something like the Overland Track or the Southcoast will get split 
from path to footway everywhere there is some infrastructure.


I might even start compiling some images of track infrastructure so it can be 
nailed down before I start a QA across the network.


I will also do a scan across other bushwalking areas around the country.


Cheers - Phil


From: Andrew Harvey <> 
Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2022 9:54 PM
To: talk OSM Australian List <>
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Deletion of walking tracks/paths



On Thu, 27 Jan 2022 at 17:56, Phil Wyatt < 
<> > wrote:

Just a quick thing I noticed – the main tagging page says not to use do not use 
 <> highway= 
<> footway and the 
preference is  <> highway= 
<> path, but the walking 
track page mentions that tag regularly – what is the differentiation?


That part may be controversial, but I've documented it based on my view which 
is highway=footway is for paths built for/intended for use mostly by people on 
foot and highway=path is a generic path with no clear intended mode, but not 
wide enough for cars.


So a hiking track is specifically for walking so highway=footway with this view.


An alternative view is that highway=footway is for urban paths, and remote 
bushwalking tracks should be highway=path, but I think that view is outdated 


On Thu, 27 Jan 2022 at 21:32, < 
<> > wrote:


I assumed that
highway=footway is a path mainly for pedestrians that may or may not  
allow bicycles

highway=cycleway is a path mainly for cyclists that may or may not  
allow pedestrians

and highway=path is not saying anything about allowed transport modes


For me it's not really about the allowed transport modes, that still remains 
best tagged explicitly with foot=*, bicycle=*, etc. but which is the main mode 
it was built for/designed for/actively in use for.


At the end of the day, it's probably all for nothing, do data consumers really 
distinguish highway=footway from highway=path?

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