A related case, the Victorian government seems to be using OSM without attribution. Again it is Matchbox. I have written to the government a couple of times, the replies have been polite but no result, i think its just too hard for them. If talking to Matchbox, please mention this one.


Department of Premier and Cabinet

I have written to you once already, I think by the Contact us web form around June 4th.

The map at
is in breach of copyright. Matchbox copyright is acknowledged by you but though they may hold the rights to the satellite image they are not the owner of the text labels. The
text labels are copyright Open Street Map.

See https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright for instructions

I ask that you immediately either remove the map or credit the copyright holder in the
specified manner.


On Sun, 14 Aug 2022 at 20:28, Bob Cameron <bob3b...@skymesh.com.au> wrote:

Looking at petrolspy.com.au website for Theodore Qld and note that the
sport and rec ground shows a remarkable similarity to the
changes/updates I did 10 months ago,

I spotted exactly the same thing locally, with a bushland track that I
added also appearing on their map.

PetrolSpy apparently uses MapBox, so I've sent a message to MB asking them
to please look into it.

That was last week, but nothing so far other than an automatic




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