Ben Abelshausen wrote:
> - How is the map evolving (specifically in the area of flanders). Are there
> lots of mappers? How accurate are the maps already?

Depends of course. Some cities like Antwerp are almost complete, but if you 
look to neighbouring municipalities it's not difficult to find missing 
streets. And then there are areas where coverage is very basic. It all depends 
on where the mappers are of course, and since cities have more inhabitants, 
chances of finding them there are bigger...

Putting a number on the mappers is very difficult. 

> - Is it usefull to upload just the gps traces and can we then count on the
> OSM-community to name the streets etc...?

Do you have the street names yourself when you make the traces available? If 
not, it'll probably sit in the database until a mapper visits the place 
himself, and if those places are remote, it can take a long time.

If you do have the street names something may have to be set up which would 
just allow mappers to go through the database and add the data to OSM in a 
more systematic way.

> - Is it ok to just start using the data? Almost all software will be custom
> developed.

Yes sure, that's why this project is there: make map data available that 
anyone can use without (almost) any strings attached.


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