@Lennard : i didn't know about this test API. Can we use the test api
with JOSM ?

@Pol: I think it would be a great idea to share the file on the wiki,
or any other website, and make a link from the wiki to this site (if
you need a hosting place, i can share some byte of mine)


2011/5/19 Lennard <l...@xs4all.nl>:
>>    1. How to be sure not to override existing data ?
> Compare with existing pharmacies before importing. For instance, you can
> download all pharmacies through xapi and open those in an editor, together
> with your to-be-imported data. Comparing every location will be tedious,
> especially the first time, but does give very good results.
> You could also run both the xapi result and your file through a script to
> compare locations and notify you if there are two pharmacies within a
> certain distance from each other. This is easier for large datasets, but
> more prone to errors.
>>    2. How to maintain such a list ?
>>    I mean, if I receive an updated CSV in some month, should I upload the
>>    whole set ? What about duplicates then ?
> You definately don't upload the whole set, but only the changes. If you
> get a new csv, the easiest would be to compare that to the csv that was
> the source of the last import and note any changes. Then go over those
> manually or with a script. That's easier than having to recheck every
> pharmacy in the country.
> If the original data has a Multipharma reference ID, you could add that as
> a ref=* key (or a more specific variant). That alone would make updates
> much easier to perform. But do keep in mind that people could remove or
> alter the ref, so a basic nearness test with existing data is still a good
> idea.
>>    3. After work, the current fields in the CSV are
>>       1. Latitude
>>       2. Longitude
>>       3. Country
>>       4. Name
>>       5. addr:postcode
>>       6. addr:city
>>       7. addr:street
>>       8. addr:housenumber
>>       9. phone
>>       10. fax
>>       11. amenity
> Country is not essential and should probably be dropped.
> If there are proper boundaries and place=* nodes, addr:city is not
> strictly necessary either, but it makes sense to add it anyway.
>>       Should I add more fields ? Source ? addr:full ? something else ?
> Source=*, definately. Also make a note of this import on the wiki 'Import
> Catalogue', with contact details and a note of the license of the original
> data release to OSM.
> addr:full is probably not needed, because you already have the more
> specific addr: keys.
>>       4. What is the preferred file encoding when submitting ? Iso-8859-1
>> or
>>    UTF8 ? Is suppose this is the later, but I want to be sure.
> All key values are UTF8 encoded.
> A final note: OSM has a test API. You're well advised to upload your data
> there first, to test your conversion and upload process and to check the
> results. It's at http://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org/
> --
> Lennard
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