Thanks Julien for your comments and suggestions

> I think it is wise to delay the event for a better organisation... We
> should take time to prepare it.

indeed. If we do it in the Galerie de la Reine, I would not mind doing
it in October (after it can be cold outside even if covered)

The place we will propose will determine the kind of people we plan to
meet and adress : eg.
* Rue Neuve, not covered unless we bring our tonnelles (aka market
tents, I own 2), very many people (probably one of the most crowded
street in Belgium) who are shopping. Maybe difficult to interest.
* Galerie de la Reine, covered, many people, probably mostly tourists;
more place than Rue Neuve, less crowded but still many people,
probably more easy to interest.

> I will be present if the event take place on a thursday or friday.

but most of us work on such days. Couldn't you come on a week-end ?

> I think a covered place is better, like Gallerie de la Reine. But why
> not on the Place de la Monnaie ?

it is a very nice place but ... it is not covered and there are now
works on the place (it is really upside down for a while)

> According to me, there are two keys-moments: around midday (when
> people are taking a lunch) and at the end of the day, as they walk to
> the station.

yes. See also above for the kind of people vs the location

> We should have a wifi-access, I think it will be
> necessary !

yes and electricity

> Following my experience, we should propose to _do_ something to people
> if we want them to interest to us: test a mapping, visiting the
> website, etc.

I agree : and let the people explore and help improve THEIR
neighborhood, the one they know best.

> But we should avoid the sentence "may i speak to you
> about something ?"..


> My english is very bad... i am sorry.
don't worry


Nicolas Pettiaux, dr. sc  - gsm : 0496 24 55 01

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