2011/11/26 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com>

> This is very much a corner case...
> Step 1:
> Select a node with a low housenumber. Press 'a' and connect to a higher
> housenumber.
> Select this new way and tag it with: addr:interpolation=even (or odd, of
> course).
> Select one of the footways with a simple name by means of Ctrl-LMB (left
> mouse button)
> Now you have two ways selected.
> Now I press 'e', but that's not the default shortcut key for Address
> Interpolation (oh, it helps a lot if you install the associatedStreet and
> terracer plugins)
> Then a dialog window comes up.
> Click on the radio button
> o Relation (Create new) (the first time at least)
> and tick
> v Convert way to individual house numbers.
> All the rest is not needed and would be added as tags in the wrong place
> Two things happened. An associatedStreet relation was created for you, you
> can add addr:city addr:country addr:postcode yourself to it, as tags. No
> need to repeat those on every address node..
> The other thing that happened is, you have an address node for each house
> now.
> Now it kind of depends. If you want those house numbers to be applied to
> building outline closedways, then proceed as follows:
> I use 'w' to create a rectangular building around all those address nodes
> There is no need for this to be exact, it will become clear why right away.
> Now open the associatedStreet relation and select all the houses, then
> press the button which selects those address nodes. ('select objects for
> selected relation members' is the tooltip)
> (Make sure you close the relation editor window at this point, otherwise
> you'll get an edit conflict later on)
> Then use Ctrl-LMB to add the building outline and you can also select one
> of its corner nodes, which is nearer to the lower number.
> Now I press 't', to activate the terracer plugin.
> No need to tick create an associatedStreet relation, we already have that
> Leave
> v delete outline way ticked
> Some serious magic happens and all the address nodes have disappeared
> (including their history). The info on them now belongs to the building
> outline closedways, which were created.
> Reopen the associatedStreet relation and all those buildings to it, assign
> the role 'house' to them.
> To be continued... I have to run
> (I'm creating an example, but it's not done yet)

OK, I'm back. The example will be uploaded as soon as I'm happy with it.

While the associatedStreet relation is open, you can also add the
highway=service to it, and give it a role=street.

I like to order the houses by housenumber and put the streets at the end.
When you sort the relation with the inbuilt sorting routine of the JOSM
relation editor, the streets go first. That's not very important.

You can add all the other street segments which have the same name and
which happen to be in the same 'gemeente' and which share the same postcode.

Now you will find that those houses aren't exactly rectangular, so you'll
have to use 'x' to extrude a lot and all the other regular editing aids at
your disposal. 'q' to make everything orthogonal.

If you now where the front door is, because you can determine it from bing,
or because you have survey pictures, you can add nodes with entrance=main
on the contour.

I also prefer to use building=house instead of building=yes, some people
even start tagging the shape of the rooftops... (to get nice 3D renderings,
and why not, but I'm not that far gone yet)

Now this is how I was doing it before I went to have a look in France, say
before the RMLL in Strasbourg in July.

Over there they are doing things a bit differently. The French claim they
got the idea in Germany, but the same discussion just occurred on talk-de
and the Germans prefer to do things as it 's currently described on the

The other way of working is to preserve the existing address nodes (and
thus their history) and to put them on the contour, adding entrance=main to
them, where appropriate.

I tend to like that, as it allows to see both house numbers and name tags
on the buildings. Those names are usually the name of a business in that

Let me know if something is not clear and then take all this text, modify
it as needed and create a wiki page from it. (You can leave out the remarks
at the end, if you like)

The price for this whole explanation is a few photos of the bus stops in
that neighbourhood... :-)
If you make those pictures, you can send them to fotoshaltesdel...@gmail.com

Many thanks and you can, of course, let me know if something is not as
clear as it should be.

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