On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Jan-Willem: I wouldn't take away the addr:street from the houses and POIs
> when you add them to an associatedStreet relation. I tried that once, a few
> years ago, and had to revert because portable editors didn't support
> relations (and they still don't) and, when in the field, people are missing
> that information then. So it's probably best to keep that redundancy in the
> data.

I find that very dangerous, and would rather people added only
addr:street tags than both. What if I incorrectly add an
associatedStreet, and then a mobile mapper adds the correct
addr:street tag - who should the end users then believe? Or if I add
the correct relation, and a vandal a wrong addr:street tag?

You know, seeing as the street already has the name, why is the name
repeated in associatedStreet at all?

- Jw

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