I don't mind taking a throw at translating anything from English to Dutch. I've been americanised enough by work that I probably write better English than Dutch by now. That being said, someone better prepare him/herself to edit my work so it doesn't sound like a techie wrote it and the Dutch actually sounds ok.

Any page in particular that still needs someone assigned ? I'll probably can finish it by mid-week somewhere, but I like to know if someone can play editor afterwards. My Dutch isn't really that good and I lost the feeling for the Dt-rules, or what is tD ? ;-)


On 02/10/2013 05:02 PM, Jo wrote:
2013/2/10 A.Pirard.Papou <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>>

    What I mean is that if anything is specific to one country, I
    suggest to add a picture or sign containing the two letters of
    that country in front of that anything. Dutch is read by more than
    BE and NL.

    Making the same page in English would help reading and translating
    by those who don't understand the other languages.

You're probably right about that. I was convinced the page had already been translated into English, but apparently it wasn't. Ideally it would be translated by a native English speaker.


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