On 2013-03-11 15:07, Guy Vanvuchelen wrote :

Zojuist stoot ik op een website van AGIV Agentschap van Geografische Informatie Vlaanderen.


Hier zie je luchtfoto’s (Orthofoto) die scherper zijn dan Google of Bing, maar ook de huizen (met huisnummer!) en percelen staan getekend.

Ik zie nergens iets staan van enige bescherming van die gegevens maar het is waarschijnlijk te mooi om waar te zijn, dat we die zouden mogen gebruiken

Similar data for Wallonie and similar questions asked for two years :

cartocit1.wallonie.be/pw/ <http://cartocit1.wallonie.be/pw/>
webgisdgo4.spw.wallonie.be/viewer/ <http://webgisdgo4.spw.wallonie.be/viewer/>
And an evaluation of what this data is worth (especially regarding "(met huisnummer!)" )...



On 2013-02-19 18:27, Marc Gemis wrote :

sorry that I sound so negative about this dataset. But since it is incomplete and although the next version will be more complete, it will be incomplete again. That's the nature of this kind of data. We still need people that go out in the field to make additions and corrections.

How will you cope with this ? How will you merge existing data with the imported data ? how often will you do an import ? Who decides which data is correct ? How do keep existing POI data ?

Do you have a plan for this ? I seriously hope that you are an experienced programmer who has merged geographical databases in the past. Otherwise you might get a lot of complaints the day that your import has run.

Success with this project and hopefully you get the data soon. Until then, go out and survey, it's healthy :-)

Now if you disagree, you can *see* the data on JOSM/Merkaaartor with the following WMS configurations:





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