Hi everyone,

It's seems that our municipality is asking for some public mapping aid of some sort. Please check this page, I would love to bring OpenStreetMaps to their attention, I have a feeling that they aren't even aware of it's existence looking at the sort of help they ask for.


references are made to check this site although no hyperlinks in the statement, here it is : http://www.tragewegen.be/

The latter site is extremely slow at the moment. I've noticed some screenshots of OSM maps are being used there. Do you think we can/should/want to be a part of this as a community?

If so, I believe we should join efforts then and send some well written inviting mail to bring OSM to their attention? It would probably save a lot of work for lots of people involved. Does anyone have some 'canned' response to these types of initiatives?

What always bothers me about most of these initiatives is that they usually 'give up' the data to Google for free so they in turn can start charging for it (commercially). All the while OSM would be such a perfect fit as a tool by itself.

Please share your ideas,

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