Hi everyone,
As i'm a bit surprise that the warning raise only now after more than
2month of integration, I feel that the DWG is legit to raise concerns about
any unadvertized ongoing imports.

Now, as the urbis "import" look more like a manual process than a bulk and
blind edit and that the effect is really limited in surface.... I don't
consider it as a risk for the osm community as the tiger import was for
example...( the data quality is also a lot better ).

I think that one think that make this import more DWG friendly is to be
sure to properly "replace" the existing buildings ( Replace Geometry
(Ctrl+Shift+G) with utilsplugin2 ) and to properly check for duplicate and
other problems.

regarding the 2 account as long as we stick with proper changeset tagging i
don't really see the point..


Brice aka eMerzh
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