I think Kreatos has the combination of address data and coordinates. Those
coordinates are probably derived from a source which is not compatible with
our license, but we only need them as a hint. We don't want to use those
coordinates verbatim. Of course it would help to know in which building
their shop is located.


2013/9/23 Johan C <osm...@gmail.com>

> Hi Marc
> I talked about this yesterday evening on a meeting of the Future Group.
> The good thing: this is definitely on the list of stuff which needs to be
> worked upon. The bad thing: it's not a simple thing to solve. One of the
> major problems is that address data is missing on a large scale in OSM.
> Supposedly companies will have addresses of their businesses. Question is:
> how to match the addresses to LAT/LON in an ODbL compatible way?
> However, The Netherlands, Flanders and Bruxelles may serve as an test bed
> for this, since address data is already available there. I'll come back to
> it later. If there are other initiatives on this matter, than these should
> definitely proceed.
> Cheers, Johan
> 2013/9/21 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>
>> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Johan C <osm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On your question Marc to contact companies: I have mixed experiences in
>>> the past. Some companies (like McDonalds) were not interested in
>>> OpenStreetMap. A situation that should change, since there are just four
>>> global players in geodata, OSM being one of them. Our product is not worse
>>> than Google places. probably better, because we're in open data. I like
>>> your idear, maybe we can join forces for the Benelux. We could start having
>>> a platform for entry of business users in OSM, showing them the advantages
>>> of using OSM. For instance, if we present the number of OSM app downloads
>>> (combined 30 million or so), businesses might gain interest. Let me know if
>>> you/others are interested.
>>> Cheers, Johan
>>> Op vrijdag 20 september 2013 schreef Marc Gemis (marc.ge...@gmail.com):
>>> I welcomed a new user, expecting that it was related to the Kreatos
>>>> hairdressers company:
>>>> their reply:
>>>> Dank voor de informatie.
>>>> Weet u een manier om (meerdere) nodes (in één keer) te uploaden naar
>>>> OpenStreetMap? Bij Google is dit via Google Places, met een XLS of XML
>>>> file.
>>>> Heb hiervoor gezocht op de website van OpenStreetMap, maar ik raak er
>>>> niet meteen wijs uit?
>>>> De informatie zou uit en MySQL database komen, dus een api met
>>>> rechtstreekse import/sync mogelijkheid hiervoor zou natuurlijk nog beter
>>>> zijn…
>>>> ---
>>>> How do I proceed ? Show them the OSM Api v0.6 ? + policy page ? Josm
>>>> upload ? Ask them the file and do the upload myself + verification of
>>>> individual points ?
>>>> I was also wondering this week whether we could contact companies to
>>>> ask them to share their shops or fuel stations. What do you think about
>>>> that ?
>>>> regards
>>>> m
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>> Hallo Johan,
>> I'm wiling to send out such emails to companies in Belgium, but I'm not
>> so good in writing those letters. It takes me more time than I'm willing to
>> spend to get it right. But if someone can come up with a good template, I
>> can do the "import" later.
>> I also think that we need a page that describes how companies can easily
>> add their POIs. This guy  (from Kreatos) did not find a page on the wiki
>> with some API to do so. It would be nice to have some page that describes
>> the different methods (e.g. JOSM + OpenData, the osm file generation
>> described in this thread, the import procedure, etc. ) Furthermore the page
>> should list some Overpass examples on how they can retrieve their shops
>> again. And maybe a link to leaflet, umap.openstreetmap.fr and
>> switch2osm.org so they know how to visualize their data. I provided some
>> of this information in my response to him. I just thought of leaftlet/umap
>> this morning.
>> So I have some ideas, but lack to time to write the proper letters and
>> documentation. Maybe you can add this to the dreams for OSM ?
>> regards
>> m
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