We should stick to the current well known scheme, thinking about this renderer issue... it makes no sense to manoevre around a faulty renderer, being it nominatim or a tileserver. If a search for a street + housenumber, city returns nothing, but a search for that same street, city without the number does return fine, who's fault is that? Search engines are suppose to be 'best effort' . The correct behavior should be to drop the housenumber from the search parameters (no exact match is found), and then lower the resolution of the result set to encompass the street (visually). In nominatim that would translate to bunch of hits when searching for an address, when reverse searching for a coordinate that would just return : streetname , postalcode, city, country no housenumber.

That proposal ,I mentioned that in a earlier comment already, (to be aware of it's existance) but it's flawed as you noticed. Also, there are 203 occurences in the whole database like this:


Safe to say, it would be a lost effort following this scheme. But also, we would be the only ones using it imho .... We should just keep tagging the karlsruhe way.


On 2013-10-21 14:40, Marc Gemis wrote:
And I'm not the only one: see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Proposed_Features/Multiple_addresses none of the comments was in favor of this proposal.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com <mailto:marc.ge...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    2013/10/21 Pierre Parmentier <pierrecparment...@gmail.com

      # Proposed Features/Multiple addresses

    I don't like this proposal too much. This is a relation in
    disguise. So why not use a real relation instead ? A building
    relation (which already exists) with multiple address node
    members.  -- I know it's not your proposal, so I won't shoot the
    messenger :-)
    This is a mess to maintain if you have to manually make sure that
    all numbers behind a addr: are there. I would vote against it.


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