It's a good idea to map signs, but in general, It's difficult to survey the
exact location of a sign. It's not visible from the air, so you need a
picture with context to see where it's placed. That's possible for a few
signs, but I fear we don't have enough man power to complete this for
Belgium (certainly not because signs change often).

Note that for Flanders, there's also an existing dataset:

Though I haven't investigated the legality of using it, or the possibility
to download it.

If it would be possible to use a dataset like this (or if mapillary becomes
very popular and gets sign recognition), then plugins for sign mapping
would be very handy.

Wrt your plugin, sometimes road signs aren't even correct. Like in my
village, there's a fixed zone 30 and a variable zone 30, but they are
connected. So if you come from the fixed one into the variable one, the
maxspeed is still 30 (since you didn't see an end sign). But if you only
drive through the variable part, you have a maxspeed of 30. So that's a
very subtle form of bleeding: it only bleeds at certain times of the day.

Then you have occasions of no-access signs being used instead of one-way
signs, or the other way around.

Anyway, I think it's an important step, but I fear there are more
subtleties and more work than for addresses.
Op 8-feb.-2015 11:48 schreef "Jo" <>:

> In Finland they seem to think it's a good idea to also add the road signs
> themselves. I tend to agree with them, but trying to add them all, may not
> make sense, ofc as there are a gazillion of them.
> There are no applications making use of this information, but for us it
> would enable double checking why some ways have certain tags.
> In Finland they are also able to find where zones are 'leaking' and they
> report this back to the administrations, so it gets fixed.
> So I'm not saying we should aim to map all of them, but I still want it to
> be possible and convenient to add those that have our interest.
> So I've been working on the RoadSigns plugin to make sure it has data
> about the Belgian Road signs. The work is not done yet, but I think I was
> now able to add all the accompanying signs and all signs related to
> parking, of which there are surprisingly many!
> The way it works now, you'll have to remove the tags it adds, for those
> objects they don't apply to. I've made a few suggestions for improving the
> workflow, but it's unlikely those will be implemented anytime soon, except
> if I get my hands 'dirty' and do it myself...
> So the effect of the sign remains on the ways, and the (Belgian) code for
> the sign itself remains on the new node you created before using the plugin.
> If you don't check the tick box Traffic sign, that code won't be added and
> you don't have to remove any tags. The plugin then does what it was
> designed for, add the effect of the sign to the ways it applies to.
> What I'm not sure of, since it was an enormous task that I gravely
> underestimated, is whether all the tags, that are applied as an effect are
> actually correct. So the plugin needs testing.
> Or you can have a look at this wiki page, there may be obvious errors in
> it that jump out to you :-)
> Using the plugin is a bit more convenient though, as you can actually see
> the signs, instead of those codes.
> Oh, if you see that additional signs are missing from signs they can be
> next to, also report that please.
> Jo
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