I meant: show building=industrial and building=house differently

And also, I follow the same principles as Sander does. If I know the
entrance, I map the address.  I also discovered that mapping the address
on the house + on an entrance node doesn't harm either.

Specifically when a house got a certain number, the shop the same or a
subnumber, I verify with their website when they publish their coordinates.

I thought a lot about splitting amenity , shop, even historical from the
address data

So this you will find on the building(way):

addr:housename=De Schaal
addr:street=Grote Markt

And this on a node joined to the building:

addr:street=Grote Markt

The idea is this:  The shop might disapear sooner than the building, in
fact it probably will be gone too when the building is gone.   But shops
come and go.

When someone comes by and deletes the node when the shop is gone, the
house is still there with all relevant data intact.   I take these
precautions to eliminate probable beginner mistakes.

I also debated to not create/delete the duplicate address information so
I started looking at how nominatim acts searching for a bank, the
address, the historical data.

Which sometimes brings back pretty interesting results[1]:

place_id: "2569293315"
licence: "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.
osm_type: "way"
osm_id: "322960205"
lat: "51.02759255"
lon: "4.48010419521519"
display_name: "De Schaal, 31, Grote Markt, Mechelen, Antwerpen,
Vlaanderen, 2800;2801;2811;2812, België"
address: {
  building: "De Schaal"
  house_number: "31"
  pedestrian: "Grote Markt"
  city_district: "Mechelen"
  town: "Mechelen"
  county: "Mechelen"
  state: "Vlaanderen"
  postcode: "2800;2801;2811;2812"
  country: "België"
  country_code: "be"

So some weird combination.  I searched for the exact node coordinates here.

Searching for a lat/lon pair within the borders of the building results
in the same node still.

The downside of only putting address information on the entrance node is
that you sort of split/strip/have to take down the OnroerendErfgoed
information and put part of it on a node.... That doesn't feel right.

In this case above it's the same address which can be a different
housenumber but that is usually not the case.

But the postal code worries me more.  It should be 2800 in dead center
of Mechelen.  Anyone know why this happens ?  This wasn't the case 3
months ago and I didn't even look at the postalcode boundaries in
Mechelen , never.

These are question you will encounter in cities with historical buildings.


[1] >

> The default map style sheet show industrial and building differently.
> They might decide to change that.
> Glenn

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