When I last saw Ben, we started talking about how the Meetup thing really
depends on very few people (you know who you are) to keep them going. We
came up with two ideas.

One: also do something different than just have geo-beers
Two: let's challenge the community to organise one event (hackathon,
mapathon, drinkathon, mapping party) at least once a month. First just at
the national level, and iw we can do that, more ambitions at regional or
local level.

So Nicolas, if you would do an event in september, that would be excellent!
Then that leaves just oktober, november and december for someone to pitch
in :)
I'm thinking about doing a mapping party in Gent and a mapathon in Antwerp,
so you are going to have to be quick!
Maybe we could make a wiki article about it?

Nicolas, from the location, I would guess you're aiming at the student
population too? Maybe a day during the week would be better then?

2015-08-24 11:22 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Pettiaux <nico...@pettiaux.be>:

> Dear Joost & Ruben,
> Thanks for the idea and the organization. I am in Brussels during the
> week. During the week-end, I can move.
> I can help with the organization of a "beery" activity around Etterbeek or
> Ixelles.
> The campus of ESI (very close to Central station in Brussels) is
> accessible on Saturday mornings as we did last year.
> Best regards,
> Nicolas
> Le 2015-08-24 11:10, Ruben De Smet a écrit :
>> I just checked my schedule (saw the hackaton appear on meetup) and the
>> week of the 24th, my University (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the
>> Flemish version of FOSDEM's university Université Libre de
>> Bruxelles/ULB) sessions start again. I saw the 25th, I have a college
>> to attend at 8 o'clock. I could come by and have a look, although my
>> attendace would be short.
>> I don't mind hacky nor beery by the way. Both of them are great.
>> Apparently I have college every day at 8:00, except for Wednesdays,
>> where I only start at 13 o'clock.
>> I'm near Antwerp for the weekends and in Brussels for the weeks. I can
>> probably get something organised at the Etterbeek campus too.
> --
> Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  - nico...@pettiaux.be
> Open@work - Une Société libre utilise des outils libres
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