Hi Nicolas,

Sounds great. A sponsorship document is already in the works, based on work
from previous SOTMs. It is more a general introduction about what is SOTM
and why is iot so immensly cool. It's not necesary to wait until we have
speakers, but I think we are waiting a bit untill we have a location and a
date. Which I think will be defined within the next month. So that would be
soon enough. Talking to potential sponsers is definitely something that
would be very useful.

I think it is an -excellent- plan to combine the three things as you say:
working in JOSM, talking about SOTM, mapping in the field.


2015-08-25 9:44 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Pettiaux <nico...@pettiaux.be>:

> Much thanks Joost for the mail, the news and the already long list of
> tasks we can examine.
> In many circumstances, we all work under tight deadlines, but if we can
> manage to have less it will also save stress for many of us, as well as
> permit more. I have in mind for example that having a precise document with
> dates, times, locations, numbers, names of confirmed speakers (aka a
> pre-program) ... as soon as possible would help very much to go to sponsors
> and obtain funding, especially to the public administrations and
> ministerial cabinets. And these require always time to answer, not to say
> that many of them work annually, meaning that, if we want to have some
> public funding for 2016, we should enter a proper form before (I suppose)
> something like end of November 2015.
> I am ready to go to some of these institutions in Brussels (the city, the
> region) where I have contacts, but I know, as said above, that to be
> considered seriously, even by the most friendly people, we should have a
> proper document. This is the reason why, for example, the organisation of
> the RMLL (Rencontres mondiales des logiciels libres) ask for a complete
> file to select the future location ... and the team.
> The SOTM selection also ask for such a document and much information, but,
> on the basis of what I know and have seen, we should continue to work on
> the organization and provide some precisions in order to have a good
> "dossier" to present to the funders.
> About the meeting at ESI, I would propose to do an precise mapping party,
> to go further in the direction that we have browsed in April last year and
> for example, organize a "josm training for cyclist" (for example) to teach
> to the participants how to use josm, especially to advance the cycling map
> of Brussels (or any city to involve more interested participants). And
> after such an activity, propose to the ones who want to go on with the
> discussion around SOTM. Doing so, I think we could both move further in a
> direction that was asked for in April (by some who came to the activity and
> were frustrated as we did not have the time to really work with josm) as
> well as do something precise about SOTM, for the ones who want.
> And I'll do taht with a framadate proposal (a free equivalent to doodle)
> that I prefer.
> I'll do that sometimes next week,
> Best regards,
> Nicolas
> Le 2015-08-24 22:06, joost schouppe a écrit :
> Hi all,
> It is a long way off, but the SOTM team is getting started already. We
> already looked into several locations, we kind of picked a logo, we found a
> nice designer too. We're thinking of the VUB at the moment, because of some
> problems with the ULB location. And there is still a chance that we might
> work with the European Parliament, but that is still up in the air.
> For the time being, there aren't that many tasks. But it would be great to
> start building our volunteer network now. I think it should be quite clear
> that if we meet now, it will be more about ideas and community building
> than actually working on tasks. So we do run the risk of wearing people out
> with meetings without a real need (I sometimes feel the Meetups have that
> effect on some of us).
> The one exception maybe that we could start laying the foundation for a
> website already, Ben Abelshausen is setting up a Github space as we speak.
> I guess the lack of much concrete actions is why the SOTM hasn't been
> talking so much. As Rob mentioned today, SOTM is used to working under
> thight deadlines. This having-a-lot-of-time is a wholly different
> challenge. If anyone is feeling excluded, don't. Join. We're also going to
> send more frequent updates to this list from now on.
> To give you an idea of the kind of things will have to get done, this is
> from the "talent matrix". Some of these task could really use a hand.
> Nicholas, if you can arrange the ESI on any day, I would suggest to make a
> Doodle with a wide variety of options (daytime, evening, weekend, weekday)
> to see who wants to come and what is best for everyone.
> Sponsorship - developing sponsorship pack / tiers
> Sponsorship - Local
> Sponsorship - International
> Ticket sales - coordinating
> Budget - bookkeeper
> Scholarship program
> Scholarship committee (to review scholarship requests)
> Venue (co-ordination with venue company)
> Accommodation
> Catering
> Social events
> Wi-fi access
> AV for presenters
> Video Streaming
> Merchandise / freebies
> TShirts and Lanyards
> Booklet / guide for attendees
> Brand / Design / Logo
> Website
> Communication to OSM community- twitter, blogs, etc
> Communication / outreach to non-OSM community (open source/data, etc)
> Communication / outreach for promotion (local media, newsprint etc)
> Call for presentations - organising / coordinating
> Call for presentations - initial ranking
> Call for presentations - programme
> Keynote speakers - sourcing and coordinating
> Non-talk content (workshops, hack events)
> Volunteer co-ordination
> Volunteer training (including Code of Conduct)
> Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  - nico...@pettiaux.be
> Open@work - Une Société libre utilise des outils libres

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