I was reading this small arcticle,

So in Germany they just opened up a piece of a long bicycle highway, I
was intruiged, so I started looking for it in OSM.  This is how germans
currently tag their velobahn / radweg NW4


They use ref key=RS1

With my rusty German, it took me a while to realise this is the
designation of the radweg (the 100km stretch), at least if I understand
this correctly.


In OSM via ref search: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/e5G

The tags seem to be:

description=Verlängerung Radweg Rheinische Bahn von Anbindung
Grugatrasse bis Mülheim Hbf [RS1] (Fertigstellung voraussichtlich Herbst
name=Radweg Rheinische Bahn [RS1]

So nothing really special besides description that this is a 'highway'
and width. (and ... foot=no !).

Note that this is how they tag it, it doesn't mean we should do this.
Just wanted to bring this to attention.


On 26-01-16 17:00, Ben Laenen wrote:
> On Sunday 24 January 2016 22:38:06 Sander Deryckere wrote:
>> I think we should get away from those rcn, lcn and ncn networks. And be
>> freer in the allowed networks.
>> Even now there are problems with rcn networks used for cycle nodes, as
>> those are getting introduced in France and Germany, while those countries
>> already use those networks for other route types.
> I agree the network tags should be rethought a little bit. We had some issues 
> years ago when in Antwerp they created a small network of cycle routes 
> through 
> the city, not touristic routes, but fast safe routes. These routes were at 
> the 
> time signed with markings on the ground, but have since disappeared. But now 
> I 
> think about it, I think Brussels still has similar signed routes?
> So all those networks are clashing with each other. At the very least we'll 
> need to start making a distinction between touristic routes and functional 
> routes (routes to actually go somewhere). I still like the hierarchy between 
> local, regional and national (and international), but we need one set of 
> those 
> for touristic routes and one for functional routes. The Brussels network 
> could 
> then be one of those local ones, the bicycle highways regional.
> Ben
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