On donderdag 21 juli 2016 11:26 Jakka wrote:
> Hi,
> newbie tag area and footway everywhere ...even in backyards....
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/51.03767764526553/3.2040104268684955
> It is like http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/area:highway
> Is it the good new way ??? before it to late can someone look and advice 
> me and this person ?
> thx

It looks a bit overkill, it will be a while before I go to that level of 
detail, but I don't object if he wants to do that.

Apart from that:
• Driveways should be tagged {highway=service, service=driveway}. Not 
{highway=footway}. [note 1]
• The driveways are not connected to the road, only to the sidewalk, which is 
• If the driveway is linear, he adds a line (correct), but makes no junction 
between the area and the line. [url 1]
• If the driveway is linear I'd rather use area:highway like you say, instead 
of {highway=*, area=yes}.

And if he's doing such intensive mapping, he *may* be better served by JOSM 
(currently all his changesets are with iD), so you could suggest him to try it.

Kind regards

[note 1]
In the Dutch iD:
• {highway=service} = "Toegangsweg"
• {highway=service, service=driveway} = "Oprit"
• {highway=footway} = "Wandelpad"
For some reason only "Wandelpad" shows up in iD in the presets for areas. You 
can only add a "Toegangsweg" or "Oprit" on *lines* from the presets.

[url 1] 

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