On 2017-05-25 10:09, Yves bxl-forever wrote:
> Hi,
> The way I understand this warning is that a two-way highway with an odd 
> number of lanes (in this case 3) should get "lanes:forward=2" and 
> "lanes:backward=1" to make the count.
> This is not linked with the "turn:lanes" key, despite the number of lanes 
> should obviously match.
> Have a great day.
> Yves

Thank you Yves, adding lanes:*=* makes it, no more JOSM messages.

But OSM documentation will always surprise me.
> If the lanes on a two way road are not distributed evenly between the
> driving directions, the keys *lanes:forward*=* and *lanes:backward*=*
> can be used in addition to the lanes tag.
It says that they *can* be used and not that they *must*.
And that it's *in addition* to the lanes tag, as if one could not count.
Plus, in my simple mind, removing duplication 3 and defaults 1 and "none" in
> lanes:backward=1
> lanes:forward=2
> lanes=3
> turn:lanes:backward=none
> turn:lanes:forward=left|through;right
makes it
> lanes:forward=2
> turn:lanes:forward=left|through;right
that make more obvious reading, doesn't it?

Moreover, as "|" is the OR symbol and ";" is the multiple values separator,
"left;through|right" would have been the intuitive, logical choice in
the same simple mind.

Oh well, I silently tiptoed backward away from that.



> On Thu, 25 May 2017 03:08:56 +0200
> "André Pirard" <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just like Osmose does, JOSM accused me of those errors with tags I never
>> wrote: here <http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/1006680> and here
>> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/1006679>.
>> It appears that the mapper used turn:lanes:… and that JOSM wants lanes:…
>> I'll leave it to the specialists whether the mapper must correct a
>> mistake or open a JOSM bug.
>> TIA,
>> Cheers
>> André.
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