Marc, thanks for the reply. Only the arguments (not yours! I will not shoot at the messenger! at the contrary!) do not hold true. Several hundred minor fields have been tagged with either "aeroway:airstrip" or ("aeroway:aerodrome" AND "aerodrome:airstrip"). The first are not rendered at all, the second are rendered just like CDG Roissy. Ridiculous! And really demotivating for perfectionist mappers.

I really think it is a kind of chicken/egg problem: renderers will say there is no basis for differentiating as long as no more differentiated info is in the database, and mappers will say it is not worth differentiating the database as long as all aerodromes are mapped the same - or not at all. How to break this vicious circle? Where shall renderers and mappers discuss the classes of aerodromes, and how they are rendered?


On 19/01/18 17:37, marc marc wrote:

Le 19. 01. 18 à 16:43, Karel Adams a écrit :
distinct symbols for (bigger) airports,
(smaller) airfields, and glider fields
I found this old propal.
I like importance=international/national/regional like for railway.
try to contact other and/or make a request for comment on tagging ml

Is there a discussion site for the renderer?
but before requesting a render improvement, we need tags in the db :-)
also look a previous issues
Almost all of the discussion focuses on the fact that information is
missing in osm to determine the importance of an airport.

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