Hello OpenStreetMapBE, Dries,

In a few weeks, a bootcamp from Hack Your Future is starting - and
they'll build upon OpenStreetMap!

For context: Hack Your Future is a program where refugees learn to code
in 6 months time. When they finish the lessons, a boot camp is
organized: a four week period where the students can enroll and build a
bigger project together - quite similar to an Open Summer of Code
project. This is all organized by Open Knowledge Belgium and paid for by
the Fondation Roi Boaudouin.

Dries, the coordinator of Open Knowledge Belgium wanted to build a
website promoting the 'Paalcampings'/'Aire de bivouac'/'bivouac zones'
and asked me to coach them. Depending on the number of enrolling
students, a second, technically similar project may be set-up as well.

As I will be in Ghent, it would be cool to do a meetup, as this could be
an added value for the students if they want to meet more of the
community (and because it's been a while there was a meetup in Ghent).
Apart from a chance to see the projects they are working on, it is a
nice opportunity to plan the presentation moment. This meetup is *monday
27th of januari, 17:00 - 19:00 in De Krook*. (De Krook closes at 19:00,
we might rebase then to a nearby pub or restaurant)

The last day of the bootcamp, *thursday 13th februari*, an event is
planned. The exact size and timing of the event is still unclear, but
there will be room for (at least) a table dedicated to OpenStreetMap.
More practical details about this event will be shared with you in the
coming week - but already mark the date.

If you have questions or ideas about what we can do, feel free to let me

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Pieter Vander Vennet

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