'The future is virtual'. Yes and no.

Personally, when I go walking - I prefer to.. walk. Not keep an eye on my
phone for the route all the time.
I do love having them available virtually - the majority of my signposted
walks I've been able to find on RouteYou.

But when do I use the app?
1) When we're uncertain we're on the right track
2) If the kids start nagging 'how far do we have to go still'.

I can see cycling routes (with a phone mounted on a steering wheel) go this
route much faster. But for walking - I'd like to think signposted routes
very much have their merit.
Also, could be epic drama if cell phone battery dies along the way.

Op ma 19 okt. 2020 om 23:06 schreef Wouter Hamelinck <

> Totally agree with that.
> I also think that the future will be virtual, but don't think that it will
> come from a website with a predefined network. I think that in the future
> you will just insert some parameters (or the parameters have been deduced
> from other routes that you liked) and a personal route will be generated
> automatically. Hopefully based on OSM data.
> For me it is a lot more important to have the underlying path right, than
> to copy routes from all kinds of websites. Especially in forested regions,
> it is incredible how many paths are still missing. Or how many that don't
> exist have been mapped by armchair mappers. We should really focus on the
> basis in my opinion.
> wouter
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 10:38 PM Sander Deryckere <sander...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> If the virtual routes are available under a strict copyright, there's
>> nothing we can map. And if they are available under a free copyright, we
>> add very little value by adding them to OSM.
>> So I believe they don't belong in the main OSM db, but rather in a side
>> project (a project made for routes, prrhaps something umap like?).
>> Op ma 19 okt. 2020 21:38 schreef Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be <
>> talk-be@openstreetmap.org>:
>>> Hi,
>>> That's also what I would expect: virtual is the future. Installing all
>>> those signposts and keeping them in order takes a lot of time and money. If
>>> the tourism agencies see that they can virtualize them away without losing
>>> tourists, they will. We will indeed lose relevance if we don't go along.
>>> By the way, if we stick to ground truth, we'll also have to remove most
>>> of the cycle highways because a lot of them haven't been waymarked yet and
>>> are still virtual. We just copied the information available on
>>> https://fietssnelwegen.be/ (and went even a lot further with those so
>>> called 'alternatives' which are still just somebody's fantasy in my
>>> opinion). So, in fact we already did decide that there is a place for
>>> virtual routes in OSM...
>>> But indeed: we will have to make a thorough choice in the official
>>> operators AND their choices.
>>> Some further comments on other reactions:
>>> No, it's not harder to keep the virtual routes up to date. It's even
>>> easier. You don't have to go out to check if there are still signposts or
>>> you don't have to buy a map or check if it's still for sale. If the route
>>> is available on the 'source-website', it exists, otherwise not. We only
>>> need to know which is the 'source-website', so we don't rely on a
>>> (outdated) copy. For routes like the Randonnées en Boucle which are only
>>> available in a book, it's as dubious as a map: is the book still in print
>>> or not?
>>> Adding virtual routes won't make it more 'messy' than it already is. Who
>>> checks regularly (every few years) whether the hiking/cycle/... routes in
>>> OSM haven't changed in the meantime or still exist? E.g. how long did it
>>> take before the outdated LF-routes got removed?
>>> To Pierre and company: adding waymarked routes to OSM by using only
>>> gpx-tracks (if that is what you're doing) is even worse than adding virtual
>>> routes, because you have no guarantee that those gpx-tracks correspond to
>>> the ground truth. I know from experience. Also maps which correspond to the
>>> ground truth are rare. (But go ahead, I don't mind what you're doing.)
>>> And indeed, we can't even keep up with the waymarked routes, but we
>>> could as well use that as an argument to give up mapping routes completely.
>>> "A route, right now, is something you can expect to see waymarked." I
>>> feel we'll have to let go of this. "If someone starts mapping virtual
>>> routes, they should definitely be put in their own data model." They're
>>> still local/regional/... hiking/cycle/... routes. Adding some tag like
>>> 'virtual=yes" on the route relations and nodes should suffice. (It will be
>>> a bit more complicated because a node can be both a virtual hiking node and
>>> a real cycle node.)
>>> Regards,
>>> StijnRR
>>> On Monday, October 19, 2020, 07:34:48 PM GMT+2, Steven Clays <
>>> steven.cl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tendency in Toerisme Vlaanderen > ALL hiking nodes will go virtual
>>> within 10 years or so. (At least, that is their vision) So if you do not
>>> follow this tendency, you make OSM irrelevant for routes. I'd make a
>>> thorough choice in the official operators AND their choices. Eg. Natuurpunt
>>> DOES stick to signposting AFAIK.
>>> Op ma 19 okt. 2020 om 14:47 schreef Matthieu Gaillet <
>>> matth...@gaillet.be>:
>>> Wether they are following another route is not relevant since it’s a
>>> separate relation.
>>> Matthieu Gaillet
>>> On 19 Oct 2020, at 14:33, Wouter Hamelinck <wouter.hameli...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Are there any EV routes in Belgium that are not also LF or RV?
>>> Wouter
>>> On Mon, 19 Oct 2020, 12:29 Matthieu Gaillet, <matth...@gaillet.be>
>>> wrote:
>>> Things are actually much less obvious and deserve a real second thought
>>> before taking position : it just came up to my mind that much of the
>>> Eurovelo network is still currently completely virtual (work in progress),
>>> yet deleting in from our map would be totally irrelevant since this routes
>>> are actually existing by the simple fact that thousands of users are using
>>> it.
>>> Matthieu Gaillet
>>> On 13 Oct 2020, at 19:21, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I think we shouldn't actively map purely virtual routes. But there's a
>>> lot of info that only lives on paper and still is relevant to OSM. So I
>>> find it hard to give it a hard no. What is essential though, is that we
>>> don't make a mess of the tagging. A route, right now, is something you can
>>> expect to see waymarked. If someone starts mapping virtual routes, they
>>> should definitely be put in their own data model.
>>> Op di 13 okt. 2020 om 13:27 schreef Matthieu Gaillet <
>>> matth...@gaillet.be>:
>>> That might be true but apply as well to signposted trails on the fled…
>>> I’m not fully convinced.
>>> But it is true that other websites or apps are specialised into
>>> publishing “virtual" trails and that might be something pertaining to the
>>> OSM project.
>>> Matthieu Gaillet
>>> On 13 Oct 2020, at 13:20, Wouter Hamelinck <wouter.hameli...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I follow those who propose to limit ourselves for the mapping purposes
>>> to what is waymarked on the ground.
>>> Taking routes from other sources (be they official or not) makes
>>> everything so fluid that we will end up with a huge mixed bag of gpx files
>>> that were at some point in time on some website of an authority, routes
>>> that are actively promoted, routes that were actively promoted for some
>>> event a few years ago and still can be found somewhere but are no longer
>>> maintained, routes where nobody really knows where they come from but they
>>> sound kind of official...
>>> It will get messy...
>>> Wouter
>>> On Tue, 13 Oct 2020, 09:51 Francois Gerin, <francois.ge...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> +1 for the "end user's perspective".
>>> From my point of view, two key rules make the ground for OSM as pointed
>>> out in several places of the documentation:
>>> 1. Think to end users
>>> 2. Map what really exists
>>> "Map what really exists" is visible in many places in the docs, and this
>>> is indeed important, up to some "threshold".
>>> "Think to the end users" is much less visible, but is visible anyway.
>>> I'm afraid that, being driven mostly by technical profiles/mappers, the
>>> "Map what exists" rule seems to take the precedence because it is more
>>> visible.
>>> According to me, "Think to the end users" should be the first rule, in
>>> terms of priorities.
>>> Followed by "Map what really exists", at the very same priority as "Use
>>> your common sense" which is also very visible in the docs...
>>> => My 2 cents.
>>> On 13/10/20 09:37, Matthieu Gaillet wrote:
>>> At first I was going to agree with Tim and s8evq but hey, the world is
>>> changing and from an user perspective, having itineraries on the map is a
>>> plus, wether they are signposted or not. I personally never follow sign
>>> posts, I just follow ‘a' route on my OSM-sourced GPS.
>>> Regarding the question "what should be mapped or not", I believe the
>>> itineraries should appear in OSM only if their are proposed or designed by
>>> an official operator, not mr nobody. That’s enough to keep quality, not
>>> staying aside nice initiatives (even if virtual), and stay close to
>>> exhaustive when it comes to official itineraries.
>>> After all, a route, sign posted or not, is in a sense always virtual.
>>> Matthieu
>>> On 13 Oct 2020, at 08:49, Tim Couwelier <tim.couwel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm inclined to go by 'mapping verifiable ground truth'. Which means no
>>> - don't add them unless signposted along the way.
>>> Op di 13 okt. 2020 om 08:45 schreef s8evq <s8e...@runbox.com>:
>>> I do not think they should be in OSM, and I wouldn't mind deleting them.
>>> :)
>>> First of all, they are harder to keep up to date and verify.
>>> Secondly, like you said, where do you draw the line. Who's routes do we
>>> add and who's not?
>>> For example, Natuurpunt and some of the local tourism offices already
>>> have 'virtual' hikes, where they only suggest which node numbers to
>>> combine. On the ground, nothing is marked. I don't think this should be in
>>> OSM.
>>> If I get this correctly, 'Randonnées en Boucle' (SGR) are hikes made out
>>> of parts of existing GR trails? I wouldn't add that. The possibilities are
>>> just endless...
>>> On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 19:57:59 +0000 (UTC), Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be <
>>> talk-be@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > There is a guideline or rule that only waymarked hiking/cycle/...
>>> routes should be added to OSM. Not everyone agrees and there are some
>>> non-waymarked routes in OSM because nobody, not even me, dares to remove
>>> them.
>>> > Anyway, that rule/guideline is getting in trouble because some
>>> official routes are not waymarked anymore.
>>> > Provincie Vlaams-Brabant enlarged the 'wandelnetwerk Getevallei', but
>>> the new nodes and routes are not waymarked anymore (too expensive). But
>>> there is a map, a website and an app. [1]
>>> > The municipality of Profondeville has the project '1000 bornes' (40
>>> parcours pour vélos de route et VTT): only gps-tracks on route-you. [2]
>>> > More will probably follow (or perhaps already exist).
>>> >
>>> > So, what do we do? Or where do we draw the line? Because the line
>>> between what can be considered as official routes or not, could (in the
>>> future) become very thin. Or what do we do with the 'Randonnées en Boucle'
>>> (SGR)? What if Natuurpunt/Natagora starts with 'virtual' walking routes?
>>> >
>>> > What is your opinion?
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> >
>>> > StijnRR
>>> >
>>> > P.S. The new map of 'wandelnetwerk De Merode' has OSM as background
>>> layer. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
>>> >
>>> > [1]
>>> https://www.toerismevlaamsbrabant.be/pagina/werken-wandelnetwerken/
>>> > [2] https://www.profondeville.be/loisirs/sport/1000bornes
>>> >
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