já havia lido sobre isso e me preocupou o que li:

Although using type=associatedStreet will reduce redundancy of data and may be 
faster in some use cases (certain geocoding engines for example), the added 
complexity of relation parsing may be detrimental for other software. 

Computer programs that need to navigate house-numbers can also create these 
relations internally from the first case as a step in pre-processing. 
Appropriate pre-processors will be provided. 

From: Aun Johnsen 
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 10:31 AM
To: OpenStreetMap no Brasil 
Subject: Re: [Talk-br] housenumber - numeração de porta

Primeira, se vai ser interresant nomear pistas central e laterais, aprender usa 
relação street, o relaçao vai ter o nome da rua, e as ways vai ter nomes 
individuais das pistas

Nao sei como este vai influir roteamento, mas como saber nominatim sabe usar 

Aun Johnsen 
Sent from my iPhone

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