I like that choice of features that should be imported into OSM.  They're
standard for pretty much any road map that people use, besides the hydrology
network, but web maps like Google have rivers & creeks without making it
look messy so we could get away with it.  The water features will especially
be useful in the Canadian Shield where there are thousands and thousands of
lakes, only low res imagery available, and not many people to map the areas
(I'm sure it'll also be an excellent complement for hiking/off road trails

-Kevin Farrugia

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:36 PM, Corey Burger <corey.bur...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I am very much in favour of importing all of Geobase, but only when
> the db can let users do selective pulls. So for right now, I think we
> should import:
> -the transportation network
> -the hydrology network exluding watershed boundaries
> -political boundaries
> -park/landuse boundaries
> -coastlines
> -water features
> We should not upload
> -elevation data
> -anything else
> For reference, opencyclemap and all the various elevation driven
> mapping stuffs are adding in the elevation data after the pull from
> OSM.
> Corey7
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