> I was talking to an old friend this afternoon, and it looks like I
> might have another Open Street Map ... "victim" :-) . So, next
> question being what GPS should he get. My person preferred solution
> (the GPS receiver that came Microsoft Streets and Trips) fails on the
> portability area. Here are the parameters:

I recently got a Garmin GPSMap 60CSX.  Very nice GPS receiver; I usually
get around 2-3m accuracy (compared to my in-car Nuvi that gets around
6-8m).  It has a built in micro SD card slot, and can record its GPX
tracklogs right to the card.  You can mount the device as a USB Mass
Storage device, so getting the tracks off under linux should be a snap.

It fully supports mapping so you can use the OSM Garmin maps on it -- VERY
useful if you want to quality-check the map as you go about your day to day

The unit runs on two AA batteries; I'm using rechargeable NiMH batteries
so far with no problems.

All in all a well built, well thought out GPS unit.


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