> However, the find isn't working.  If I click find -> address.   There is

> no addresses listed.   Is this missing data on my part or a problem with

> mkgmap?

This is a problem with mkgmap; it doesn't quite do the addressing data
right yet.
Does your area have the address interpolation ways?  

> Also When I hover over a street it doesn't show the street address.   
> Again is this something I've missed?  or a limitation of mkgmap?

I'm not sure on this one; I know my GPSMap 60CSX does show the street name
on hover over when I use the Lambertus OSM maps.  So I'm guessing it's just
something missing in the Canvec data.  Again, might want to check if the
names are shown in the canvec data.  I know here in MB all the streets are
unnamed in the Canvec data, meaning we need to copy the street names
manually from the Stats Can data.


Tyler Gunn

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