Awesome, does this mean we are going to see a more complete map in SK?  I
must apologize as I haven't been paying as much attention to the list of
late.  I  tried to work with some of the data in some months ago in JOSM for
learning purposes with the eventual goal of helping with the import.  I
didn't really get anywhere with it.  I think i managed to create a black
hole in JOSM.  I assume there will still need to be a lot of editing to
connect up the existing data with the new data once the import is done as
well as road name/type corrections?

Sorry I am obviously a bit of a noob still and am only now interested when I
hear the province that I live in mentioned.  Haha


On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Bégin, Daniel <> wrote:

>  Hi all, an update on product conversion.  So far ...
> - The process have been running for 15 days;
> - 4129 files have been processed;
> To come this week ...
> - MB SK, AB and BC (Northern part of the provinces)
> To come later...
> - The entire country should be covered for septembre.
> Cheers
> Daniel
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