If you draw a selection box over where the two tiles meet and run the validator 
in Josm one of the errors it can report is "duplicate nodes".  When you are 
merging tiles where roads and areas are split between the tiles there is a copy 
of all nodes on the "border" between the tiles in each file.  Josm Recognizes 
this and can merge the nodes from both tiles so there are no duplicates.  

Sent from my iPhon

On 2010-07-29, at 7:56 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds simple but Shift-J doesn't seem to do anything, they don't
> quite overlap.  What is a duplicate node error and how do I fix it?
> Thanks John
>> - Select the data all along the boundaries of the tile.
>> - Use the JOSM Validator on the selection.
>> - Fix all the duplicate node errors.
>> - Select both ways that make up the building/area (ie shift-click on both
>> parts of the building) and hit SHIFT-J to execute the "Join overlapping
>> areas"
>> - Voila!

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