Interesting use of OSM and transit feeds for a report on multi-modal
trip planning.

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From: Hillsman, Edward <>

Hi all,

One of my colleagues and I have completed a report on developing
multimodal trip planners. The report focuses on open-source software,
and open data sources such as OpenStreetMap and public transportation
data in GTFS format. The report is available at

I've added this to the list of research reports on the OSM wiki
research page, and a note on the wiki OpenTripPlanner page, with links
to the report.

Discussions that we followed, and in some cases participated in, on
the OSM talk, talk-us, talk-ca, and talk-transit listservs were very
helpful to the project.

We are following up the project with several proposals to improve
documentation and support a local organization in moving beyond this
feasibility study to full implementation. Our center is grant-funded,
so although we will continue to follow progress in our spare time,
significant follow-up work will depend on our ability to get proposals

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the
project or report.

Ed Hillsman

Edward L. Hillsman, Ph.D.

Senior Research Associate

Center for Urban Transportation Research

University of South Florida

4202 Fowler Ave., CUT100

Tampa, FLĀ  33620-5375

813-974-2977 (tel)

813-974-5168 (fax)

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