On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Connors, Bernie (SNB)
<bernie.conn...@snb.ca> wrote:
> Is anybody else having trouble uploading GPX files to OSM?  Here is a GPX
> file that I recorded on Saturday with most of the track points deleted.
> When I attempt to upload this trace to OSM it appears to work and I can see
> the “PENDING” status of my trace but if I wait a few minutes and refresh the
> page it is no longer in the list of my traces.  I only have one other trace
> on the OSM website.  I can open and view this GPX file in Google Earth but I
> can’t get it to upload to OSM.

Hmmm, the timestamps in that file look strange to me.  Iirc our gpx
processor needs timestamps or will drop the file.  There should be a
message to you if the file is dropped, so check your email filters?

The other reason traces might disappear is based on the privacy
settings. So have a look at that as well.

Best regards,

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