Another option to quickly find duplicate ways and routing errors is to
use the OSMInspector


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Tom Taylor <> wrote:
> While uploading edits from JOSM, I have been encountering validation
> warnings and occasional errors from others' data. I've done my best to fix
> them up.
> It finally occurred to me that I can run the validation tool after
> downloading OSM data, without adding data of my own, and clean up an area
> that way. I've started a systematic effort to clean up the Ottawa area,
> using bounding boxes extending .04 degrees in latitude and .06 degrees
> longitude for a manageable size. My first box was to the west: N 45.40-44, W
> 75.92-98. The biggest thing I found in that area was a lot of duplication
> because the same objects were downloaded from CanVec 6.0 and CanVec 7.0.
> I'll be working my way east and south from this starting point. I suppose I
> should write this up in the Ottawa Wiki so others can coordinate.
> Tom Taylor
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