You'll probably want one of those windshield suction mounts, something
like this
(note that this is just a randomly googled one and I can't comment on
the quality). Because they need adjustability and enough surface on
the windshield, it's not smaller than your GPS. But I don't think any
other type of mounting system can fulfill all of the other criteria.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Colin McGregor <> wrote:
> I don't own a car, but I do occasionally drive one owned by family
> members and on very rare occasions rent cars. The question is, when in
> a car, how best to mount a pocket GPS (a Garmin eTrex 20) on the dash
> that will keep the GPS from sliding around? The solution can not
> require any permanent change to the car, should not leave any sort of
> a mark when removed and ideally should be just as small / smaller than
> the GPS itself. Ideas (where names of specific makes/models would be
> appreciated)?
> Thanks.
> Colin McGregor
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