The definition of ‘trunk’ is a difficult one, if based on the UK
understanding. Like its unwritten constitution, trunk roads in the UK
are more on a "know it when I see it" basis.

Pretty much the only definitions I can think of that would be generally
applicable are:

* a trunk road goes from one city/town to another.

* no parking at the side of the road.

* something above the urban speed limit applies (though there are often
nasty brief exceptions, like a roughly 200m stretch of 30 mph that used
to adorn the A80, dammit).

A trunk road isn't always dual carriageway. It can have traffic lights,
roundabouts or (rare, in the UK) stop signs. Depending on its age, it
may bypass towns and villages. Older trunk roads may also have all the
usual roads entering it, while newer ones are likely to have on-ramps.

In summary, the UK definition is so riddled with unwritten exceptions
that trying to apply it rigorously in even one province in Canada will
be frustrating. And no matter what you do, you'll always get some rogue
user that comes along and adds their own tagging. It's a sair fecht …


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