
      I have done extensive editing with Potlatch2 for the Cape Breton
University campus in Sydney, NS.  My son is a student at CBU and I have
visited the campus several times.  The Bing imagery appears to be fairly
recent and good quality.  The edits were completed more than one week ago,
maybe two weeks but some of the map tiles still don't appear to match the
vector data.  Here are some examples:
 * Shannon School of Business building - it should be rectangular -
 * Technology Centre building - shape does not match Potlatch2 vectors -
 * Library building - there appears to be extra lines that could be ghosts
of the previous vectors -

      99% of the edits I made in this area are reflected in the
OpenStreetMap tiles but the above items are a few examples where the map
tiles do not match the vectors that I can see with Potlatch 2.  I am
certain I have waited long enough for the OSM servers to update the tiles.
Does anybody have an idea why the tiles do not match the vectors?

Bernie Connors
New Maryland, NB
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