I've noticed that most of the agricultural fair grounds are tagged as
theme parks. Was this a CanVec thing? Most of these could never really
be described as a theme park: Markham Fair Ground is basically a field
with a pavilion. ExPlace struggles for a theme: 11 months of the year
it's clearly pointless desolation (along with football=lousy ;-) ), and
for the other one it's just cuisine=ill_advised.

For me, Canada's Wonderland is a theme park. So is Disneyland. So is
Silver Dollar City*. But most of the tourism=theme_park areas I've found
in Canada are ag fair grounds.

Better tagging might be difficult. There's the little-used
"amenity=show_grounds", a failed proposal from a few years back.
Suggestions welcomed.


*: if you're ever in southern MO during the summer, you should go. It's
ridiculous hokey fun, but it doesn't care. The drive across the Ozark
Mountain Highroad is spectacular.

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