The license link is broken, is it this one?

Martijn van Exel

> On Jan 20, 2017, at 12:40 PM, Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN) 
> <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Big news, the City of Ottawa has released the footprint of over 325,000 
> buildings on their open data portal in support to the project with Statistics 
> Canada and the OSM community.
> We are very grateful for the amazing collaboration with the City of Ottawa on 
> this pilot project and are very pleased for this amazing contribution.
> Link: 
> <>
> Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD
> Unit head | Chef de sous-section
> Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab d’exploration et 
> intégration de données (LEID)
> Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
> entreprises
> Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
> (343) 998-3004
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> Talk-ca mailing list
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