I'm under the impression that we are talking about two things.

The first is the Open Data licence which I think we are agreed is roughly
the same except that BC governments reference the BC privacy law, the
Ontario ones the Ontario privacy law and the Federal Government references
the Federal Government privacy law which is what you might expect.

The differences to me are minor.

The second is Paul's letter from a Federal Government civil servant that I
shall call a letter of interpretation, and it's this letter that makes Paul
very comfortable with the Federal Government Open Data.

Unfortunately we have been talking licence so the assumption was made that
the BC government /Vancouver Open Data licence was also acceptable and my
understanding is some data has been imported and accepted.

I do not believe the differences between the BC and Ontario privacy laws
are that great that one is acceptable and one is not.

If all the Canadian Open Data licences are deemed to be unacceptable what
do we do about the data that has been imported?  This includes the CANVEC

My interest is in the Ottawa Bus stops and I have been working with the
City of Ottawa for some years to make them available off line on a tablet /
phone.  Somewhere in the City of Ottawa's official web site is a link to
this work.  My concern is what will tomorrow bring.  Based on the
discussions in talk-ca and on the work done analyzing the Federal
Government's Open Data licence before the Metro link address import my
impression was we had accepted the Canadian version of the Open Data
licence.  These Ottawa Bus stops are now based on OSM data and have been
since the discussion on talk-ca last year.

Are we seriously saying the data that Metrolink imported should now be

The uncertainty, the on / off on acceptence of the Open Data side of things
does make life difficult.  Should we be using a different platform for Open

If I sidetrack to the Ottawa import process essentially the building
outlines are brought into a JOSM layer then using the Bing image layer to
confirm they are brought into OSM manually.  My understanding is any
building outlines that clash with an existing building in OSM daily dump
have been removed from the import file.  Any added in the previous 24 hours
can be handled by the manual process.  This is quite different to an
earlier import.

Thoughts and clarification please.


Cheerio John

On 25 Jan 2017 2:43 pm, "Alan Richards" <alarob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Most BC cities seem to be using a version of the OGL-BC now as well. This
> is similar to the OGL-CA with references to BC privacy and FOI laws,
> similar to the Ontario changes mentioned earlier.
> This business of having to get explicit permission for each dataset from
> each government entity is a bit ridiculous when the intent of this license
> in the first place was to avoid this.
> Alan
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 6:18 AM, Blake Girardot <bgirar...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 2:38 AM, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com> wrote:
>> > The initial answer was that the license would impose obligations on top
>> of
>> > the ODbL, our distribution license. This would make the data
>> incompatible.
>> Hi Paul,
>> The above sounds like an interpretation of the answer, not the actual
>> answer itself.
>> Could you share the actual inquiry and response so we can all learn
>> from it and understand how it requires additional obligations?
>> Cheers,
>> blake
>> --
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Blake Girardot
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>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> Live OSM Mapper-Support channel - https://hotosm-slack.herokuapp.com/
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