I am fairly new to open street maps and am interested in a Skype/Zoom call to 
discuss the basics, and/or answers to some questions that will help me make 
some shoreline refinements and address some terrain description issues. I am 
working in Victoria BC, Canada but these questions are about general mapping 

1. Several different feature and administrative borders converge on the 
shoreline, so it is difficult to see the reference aerial photography so I can 
make changes to the shore line. Is it possible to temporarily hide some 
features, or reduce the intrusion of the other borders while doing this work? I 
was thinking I could move the administrative boundaries off shore a short 
distance but not sure of the protocol around this. Is the some imported 
shoreline data set that defines the shore, or is this all done manually? I 
don’t want to be making changes then have it revert if someone else downloads 
Shoreline data set.

2. Just south of Shawnigan Lake there is a long arbitrary east west feature 
border that delineates forest to the north, but does not align with actual 
features or administrative boundaries. I’m wanting to modify that forest area 
to indicate an area recently cleared for residential development and a forest 
block within that, and to map general forested areas south of that  Not sure of 
the best strategy.

3. There are some common terrain features, some of which are in the 
international library but not on the library accessible to me...or at least, I 
can’t find them. How do I import or activate these features so I can apply them 
to local terrain. E.g storm water outfall, lake, pond, creek, beach access, 
undeveloped road right of way...


---Dan Doherty d1dohe...@gmail.com
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