Thank you for those clarifications, John.  I speak for myself, but I do feel 
confident that others are learning from what you say and that OSM and all 
involved can and shall do better.  Honestly, I look forward to "better 
processes" which "make more open data available to OSM" (a worthy goal, 
indeed).  "Getting familiar with steps" is part of it, and I know we are good 
people as we see first crawling, then walking, then running, then flying.  May 
Canada and its buildings together with OSM gain much altitude and indeed fly.

Governmental agencies around the world can and will gain, OSM can and will gain 
and it will be a win-win-win all around.  Part of that happens because we talk 
to each other (civilly) and lots of people nod our heads and many/most of us 
say, "hey, yeah, that's a pretty good idea/way to do things, let's do it like 
that."  Like learning to walk, it is a process, it isn't that hard, and it does 
come naturally.


On Sep 17, 2018, at 12:16 PM, john whelan <> wrote:
> Just a comment Alessandro is not a dedicated project manager but rather the 
> person that the project manager reports to.  Currently in addition to his 
> normal job he is also acting in the position above his so he really is doing 
> two jobs at once.  Bjenk was the project manager who pulled the project 
> together and worked hard and closely with the local OSM mappers on the first 
> phase but has moved from Stats Canada to another department.
> Alessandro has had staff working in the background to find ways to make more 
> open data available to OSM but probably isn't familiar with all the steps to 
> bring it in.
> The numbers from Ottawa would suggest that we need to understand more about 
> what information is most useful and which can be easily obtained.
> This isn't just about Canada by the way there are other places on the world 
> where this sort of information and the techniques used on the stats side can 
> be useful.
> Cheerio John

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