On Jan 26, 2019, at 12:37 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
A history of building data released by Stats Can and how these were entered 
into OSM via an Ottawa pilot project, with some success and some lessons 
learned.  Good for OSM!

> The other complicating factor here is a lot of people are very interested in 
> using the data one way or another.

No doubt it's a factor, though I fail to see how it complicates — unless there 
is a rush to enter the data before they are fully vetted.  (That won't work).  
Should the data be used "from OSM," they must enter OSM with our community 
consensus, standards and practices.  That is beginning to be achieved:  
https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Canada_Building_Import improves, related Task Manager 
tasks appear to get closer to being "opened again" as Nate's four steps of what 
might be accomplished reach wider consensus and are implemented (or not, or 
something else happens...) and discussion continues right here on talk-ca.  
Yes, "broad philosophical discussions" are included:  they are helpful, likely 
to some more than others.

> The take away, have fun if you can.

"Have fun" is "OSM tenet #2" (#1 is "Don't copy from other maps.")  As we're 
not violating #1 here, I enthusiastically agree with John's "take away:"  
please do have fun (yes, you can, yes, many do).  Yet, as we are a data 
project, we must also be a community who cares deeply about data quality, that 
our data "pass muster" as they enter (especially when via a nationwide Import). 
 I speak for myself only, but others in this project concur.  Canada gets 
there, I'm delighted to see.  Yes, it's taking a bit of thrashing to do so, but 
that's all for the greater good, as the ends justify the (polite, patient, 
correct) means by which we do.  We're many steps into this 10,000-kilometer 
journey, let's keep going, as the goal is worthy.

Now, who is rolling up their sleeves and addressing Nate's four steps?  Those 
discussions can take place here, though I think the Discussion tab ("Talk 
page") of the link above seems more appropriate.  (And, I'd prefer to "get out 
of the way" here, if anybody were to go so far as to feel "get lost, already, 
SteveA," I wouldn't be offended, though I remain watching this Import for that 
greater good).

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