Bonjour Jarek
extring === external ring groupe de batiments "building.geojson",  batiments 
"building_extring.geojson" batiments adjacents qui partagent des nodesexemple
geojson si on clique sur polygone
vars :
| ways_id | 
| grp_poly | 7 |

Orthogonal === Avec correction orthogonale (squarred result)  A noter version 
préliminaire et améliorations a venircorrection orthogonale - actuellement tous 
les batiments - correction (squarring) si 80 < angle < 100 - aucun filtre 
building_orthogonal.geojson  correction batiments individuels  - on observe 
parfois rotation du batiment - cela pourrait être corrigé en identifiant 
aligmement général du batiment (coté le plus long ?)   et aligner ensuite 
autres cotés.  JOSM, code java fonction orthogonale, si je comprends que c'est 
la procédure suivie

|  * Estimate the direction of the segments, given the first segment points in 
the |

|  * direction <code>pInitialDirection</code>. |

|  * Then sum up all horizontal / vertical segments to have a good guess for 
the |

 * heading of the entire way.


    Le vendredi 31 mai 2019 17 h 49 min 21 s UTC−4, Jarek Piórkowski 
<> a écrit :  
 Hi Pierre,

Thanks for sending these out.

Can you briefly confirm what the "building.geojson",
"building_extring.geojson", "building_extring_orthogonal.geojson"
files represent? I'm not really familiar with the terms, perhaps
because I don't have much of a GIS or geometry background. Is the
"extring" file only those buildings that don't have superfluous nodes?
"extring_orthogonal" contains only those that are square and don't
have superfluous nodes?

I guess OSM data is used for easy testing? I remain very interested as
to how the Statcan building footprints for that area look like when
cleaned up - I hope for better accuracy than trying to estimate from
low-res or off-vertical imagery.

It doesn't help that Github GeoJSON preview evidently uses a super-old
version of OSM data for base map...

Thanks again,
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