But you can talk German with us.
> Hi List!
> I got an elemstyle.xml file from Michael Klugmann, where I planned to 
> merge changes he made with the file included by the JOSM mappaint plugin.
> While looking at the differences, I recognized that the default file is 
> mostly unsorted, at least compared to the map features wiki page.
> Sorting the file entries makes it probably much easier in the future to 
> keep the default elemstyle.xml file in sync with the wiki page.
> Is there a reason for it to be unsorted, or would you mind if I sort the 
> entries in the default file to match the sequence of things in the wiki 
> page?
> However, I've found two elemstyles.xml files in the svn:
> a) applications/etc/elemstyles.xml
> b) applications/editors/josm/plugins/mappaint/styles/standard/elemstyles.xml
> Well, b) is what I'd expected, unfortunately a) is something I don't 
> really understand. Is a) simply left over from some experiments or is it 
> used by some other software than JOSM? While the file structure seems to 
> be identical, the content is already much out of sync between these two 
> files :-(
> Is a) still in use or can we simply get rid of it (of course, before 
> deleting I would merge probable changes into b) first)?
> Regards, ULFL
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