
> No, it doesn't. Talking is great (like I say, especially if you talk  
> to someone who can actually do something), but it's got past that  
> stage now.

I think the original poster was not complaining about any particular 
aspect of "Potlatch the software" that could be improved, even if he 
were a Flash programmer. I think this is just the umpteenth instance of 
"we don't want any more newbies in our project ... or at least I don't 
want them modify MY data".

Newbies tend to make mistakes and they tend to use Potlatch. It is not 
Potlatch that induces mistakes.

My take is that we need newbies because if we'd stop growing, or even 
switch to linear growth, we'll never complete the earth in my lifetime. 
But to those who are content with having completed their village, this 
might not seem such an important goal.

I also refuse to discuss this further because it has been discussed to 
death and back already.


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